SaaS products build on Bedrock

dLinc's secure cloud applications are unlocking new collaborative workflows for our customers.

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SecureLD App

Secure Linked Data

dLinc's SecureLD platform connects data from independent sources, empowering customers to host information in their own Encrypted Data Vaults (EDVs). Built around the full suite of W3C decentralized identity and data standards, SecureLD's EDVs form a secure, searchable web of compartmentalized information, where specific data sources can be dynamically connected and disconnected on-the-fly. With built-in auditing/traceability, customizable data processing and decentralized access control SecureLD solves the challenge of security vs. availability.

Mercury Logo

Mercury Zero-Trust Interface

dLinc's Mercury software makes Zero-Trust connections between independent software APIs. Mercury easily integrates into your application, empowering it to use W3C Verifiable Credentials (VCs) and Authorization Capabilities (zCaps) at API endpoints. Mercury's Verifiable Presentation Exchange (VPX) service allows clients to trade VCs for short-lived zCaps that authorize access to a specific resource or query at an API endpoint. Mercury can be configured to request different VCs for different subsets of data or to adapt to changing threat conditions.

SecureCareConnect App

Secure Care Connect

SecureCareConnect makes it easy for patients, caregivers, and family members to coordinate care in any setting, including in the home. Our HIPAA-compliant software integrates messaging, health records management, medications, and more. With customized features for different types of care teams, SecureCareConnect improves quality of care by streamlining communication.